After talking to several teachers, you won’t believe what made the list of best and worst gifts for teachers! While there are some gifts that feel classic, such as a mug, they may be critically over done. Other gifts, such as alcohol, are just completely inappropriate to give teachers in the first place. Lucky for you, if you feel lost on what to give you or your child’s favorite teacher this year, you have come to the right place. Find out the best and the worst teacher appreciation gifts of all time in the following blog. And remember, some of the ideas behind some bad gifts can be turned into really great gifts for really great teachers!
The Worst Teacher Appreciation Gift of All Time
There are good, bad and ugly gifts I have seen given to teachers throughout the years, but the story that takes the cake for worst gift is squirrel jerky. Yes, believe it or not you read that correctly. I will never forget the look on my teacher’s face when she opened homemade squirrel jerky from a student’s family… That was the day I realized you could fake only so many expressions. Seriously, you can imagine the look of horror as she read the words on the bag… “squirrel jerky”. Yup, I had to say it… Don’t be the guy that gives someone homemade squirrel jerky, just keep reading.
The Bad, the Ugly and the Inappropriate
While it is true that the thought behind the gift is really what matters, there are just some gifts that are wrong to give to your teachers for several reasons. For starters, gifts such as mugs or ornaments are very sweet and sentimental, but chances are your teacher is going to get at least five mugs and/or ornaments before the week is up. There is only so much one can store before they end up in the trash. Following along with the sentimental trend, homemade treats can seem like a good idea to bring teachers, but due to COVID-19 policies and common allergens, those are not the best option either. On the opposite end of the spectrum, you have gifts that are just down-right inappropriate to give, and it feels obvious, but it HAS been done! Avoid gifting a teacher underwear or any kind of pajamas (awkward!), make-up, or alcohol. While the intention behind helping your favorite teacher unwind is great, there are certainly more appropriate ways to show that care.
Never Give a Bad Gift Again

Even “bad” gifts come from a good place in the heart. And let’s not discourage gift-giving! Let’s just redirect those kind intentions into a better gift for your teacher. For example, if your style is a homemade gift that comes from the heart, instead of baking or making an ornament with a picture in it (yes, teachers have thousands of those), try making a video message or a homemade card to give your teacher telling them exactly how they impacted you over the course of the last year. If you are going the route of aiding in your teacher’s relaxation then we have the perfect gift idea for you! Instead of alcohol, make-up or underwear try opting for our Apple of My Eye soap. The Apple of My Eye soap is in the shape of the most classic gift to give teachers, an apple, and it is a warm inviting scent, too. It is a much more appropriate gift than alcohol and it still says “I hope you enjoy some relaxation,” just in a more subtle way. When it comes to teacher appreciation gifts, the idea is to maintain some professionalism while also being sentimental. And remember, if it would be inappropriate to give to a boss, then it is inappropriate to give your favorite teacher.